Solar for My Home

What Was the Oregon Energy Tax Credit?

What Was the Oregon Energy Tax Credit?

The Oregon Department of Energy Residential Energy Tax Credit, or simply called RETC for short, was a program that benefited nearly 600,000 Oregonians who received tax credits for purchasing and installing energy-efficient devices like ductless heat pumps, rooftop solar arrays, and electric vehicle chargers.

Will Solar Panels Increase My Home Value?

Will Solar Panels Increase My Home Value?

Although the exact amount added by solar energy systems varies, on average you can expect a $4,000-$6,000 increase in sales price per kilowatt of solar panels. Since most residential solar arrays are between 3 and 5 kilowatts, that’s anywhere from $12,000-$30,000 in value.

Are Solar Panels Worth It In Washington State?

Are Solar Panels Worth It In Washington State?

The short answer is yes! Solar panels can definitely be worth the investment for the average Washington resident. The long summer days in Washington have the potential to make up for the dreary winter days in terms of energy collection. Especially when you factor in Washinton state solar incentives and net metering, adding a solar system can help you save significant amounts of money throughout the year.

Tesla Powerwall Review for 2020

Tesla Powerwall Review for 2020

We are excited to announce that we have formalized our partnership with Elon Musk’s Tesla Energy and we are now offering Tesla Powerwall to our list of home battery backup solutions.

Are Home Solar Panels Worth Installing in 2019? 

Are Home Solar Panels Worth Installing in 2019? 

People considering installing solar systems in their houses must note that they will enjoy federal solar tax credit. This credit pays for 30% of the total system cost, owing to which people need to cover only the remaining 70% of the price. However, with the decrement of this federal tax credit from 30% to 22%, are the solar panels still worth installing in 2019?