Enphase Energy

Enphase is committed to building the highest-quality products in solar. Manufactured in Santa Clara, California.

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More Power From Your Panels

Get more power from the same solar panels achieving the highest efficiency for module-level power electronics when using Enphase microinverters. This means greater environmental impact, and more savings for you.

See Your Solar Savings

With real-time and in-depth insights with MyEnlighten you can learn how much solar energy you are generating from your computer, tablet, or phone at anytime. As an add-on, you can track your consumption in real-time and see how much your solar offsets your usage (Ask your consultant about consumption tracking).

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Protect Your Investment

Unlike other types of inverters, each microinverter connects to a single solar panel. This means, if there is a dirty, shaded or problem panel, the rest of the system keeps running smoothly while alerting you.

And if there is ever a problem, Sunbridge Solar will help you at no charge. This only applies to our existing customers. Customers from other companies that may have out-of-business will incur a charge. Anyone may use our free Envoy Guide on our website at anytime.